
Personal profiles: a way to make yourself known

Personal profiles: a way to make yourself known

Gathering your suggestions as well, from today we have activated a new feature: personal profiles, a quick and easy way to give some more information about oneself and start getting known by other users.

To access a user’s personal profile, simply click on his or her photo from the search results page, from the ad, or even from your personal area, including in messages.

All the information entered in the personal profile will appear: first and last name, photo, age, origin and current city, complete description. And if you have logged in through Facebook or otherwise synced your Facebook account with your account, you can instantly see the number of Facebook friends you have in common-a great way to see who is on the other side of the keyboard.

Edit personal profile


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- ? Gli annunci in uno dei nostri canali Telegram
- ? Confrontati nelle nostre community Facebook

To change your information, simply log in, access your personal area and click on “Edit Profile” – what are you waiting for? Update your profile, it only takes a few minutes to give your user a face and a description 🙂

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