Universities and students in the web age: sites and apps

TheItalian university is going through a time of great change; the Internet and new technologies have changed the game, bringing information closer to each student, supporting him or her during study and speeding up the achievement of his or her goal, the Degree. Having overcome the first hurdle of finding a rental house, each student will face many more challenges.

The main difficulty during study is to find the right information about the topics covered. Of course, each student refers to textbooks and handouts from professors, but for some exams, it may be difficult to take notes or, for various reasons, it is not possible to attend all classes. For what reason, you often refer to classmates, who can be a good source, but how reliable are they? You have to choose carefully who you trust with the outcome of your exam and, let’s face it, they are not always available… They attended the course, hard, every day, in short that exam they sweated it out, you will have to be really friendly to get the precious notes without creating discontent!

Fortunately, the Web comes to our aid with many services created to bring students closer to information, real online libraries, some for a fee and others freely available. While browsing, we came across StuDocu a service that provides you with handouts and notes for various degree programs. The operation is very simple, you select your faculty and then the course for which you need information. The site also has a library section, where you can search for the textbooks you will need.

Once you have found the basic notes and handouts, you can explore the topic further at the library, the most reliable place to find information; there are many and they are free for college students. The problem with the “old” libraries is that they are often scattered all over the city (whatever city you are studying in) and checking out a book is not always straightforward. Fortunately, many universities have a digital version of their library, making texts usable directly from a PC or smartphone.

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Having found the information we need, we now look to improve the quality of our study, for which we can use one of the many Apps available in the App Store or Play Store, which can help you maximize your concentration. We can mention some of them, such as “Forest: stay focused” , “Brain Focus” or “Tide: stay focused, be paceful,” and we recommend that you try more than one of them to find the concentration method that suits you best.

In short, new technologies make so much information available to us that we can use wisely to reach our goal faster, but let us never forget that the exams, we have to take them, so we should never let our guard down and believe that it will be easier than expected!
