How to decorate your room to perfection as an out-of-state college student

This is it, college course chosen, house or room rented, and here you are ready to start your new adventure as a college out-of-towner.

But how will you best furnish your room to feel a little more comfortable in your new home?

If the room is already furnished, small but essential personal touches will suffice, while if you have rented an unfurnished room, the issue becomes more thorny; what at first seemed like a minor detail will become a Hamletic dilemma.

But no anxiety, we have scouted out a very useful guide from Habitissimo with some
interesting, smart and, above all, low-cost ideas

We are confident that these tips divided into 4 major guidelines:

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  • Personality, simplicity and comfort
  • The importance of color
  • Basic furniture
  • The study corner

will save you hours and hours of ikea catalog sessions and turn your first room as an out-of-state college student into the perfect room!

Have we intrigued you and do you want to get some ideas? Then read the full guide >> Ideas and tips for the perfect “college off-campus” room

