Write your review for the uniaffitti.it community

You have been asking us for a long time and now it is finally possible! Starting now, every renter on uniaffitti.it has the opportunity to write a review of the room where they lived or that they just visited. Of course, the homeowner will have the opportunity to comment on the newly obtained review so that it can be put into the best possible context.

Transparency for us is everything and it starts with a good relationship between the seeker and the renter.

Within our portal, we have decided to have our ads evaluated based on the following aspects:

SERVICES: wifi, air conditioning, elevator, etc. This value should take into account the amenities that are offered in the apartment.

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- ? Gli annunci in uno dei nostri canali Telegram
- ? Confrontati nelle nostre community Facebook

QUALITY/PRICE RATIO: How do the services offered (and in general the quality of the room) compare with its price? Are they aligned or not?

LOCATION & NEIGHBORHOOD: Are we downtown? In a clean neighborhood? Here the focus goes on the geographic location of the room, that is, whether we are in a strategic place and the services offered by the neighborhood where it is located.

TRANSPORTATION: The area, and more specifically the apartment is well served by public transportation (off-site students depend on those…).

PRECISION: Is the property description and images posted within Uniaffairs true? Have all house characteristics been entered correctly?

OWNER: How would you rate your relationship with the homeowner? Is his behavior positive or negative?

Who can evaluate a listing? Well, ideally, the review should be left by a person who has lived in the room/house or at least visited it. In short, a person who has “seen” her in the true sense of the word!

Do you want to write a review? It’s very simple, go to the room listing in detail or within the messaging and click on “write a review.”

If you like the idea of community, don’t waste your time and contribute your first review!

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