The 5 rules for a perfect ad

Foto, titolo e dettagli: come creare un annuncio visibile.

Dozens of new apartments and rooms for rent are posted on uniaffitti.it every day.Placing a comprehensive, information-rich ad is essential to gain visibility and connect with a large number of users, receive their interest and messages, and quickly find a tenant. The following are some simple rules for posting a good ad and increasing your chances of success:

1. Be social!

Especially if you are looking for a roommate, the first thing to do is to synchronize your uniaffitti.it account with Facebook so that you can import your profile photo and friends list. This will help your potential roommates see if you are right for each other. If you are an already registered user, log in to the Personal Area and click “Associate your Facebook account with this user profile.” With one click you will synchronize your uniaffitti.it account with your Facebook account: having a profile photo greatly increases the visibility of your ad in the results listing, while the friends list will allow other users to see if you have friends in common, whom they can possibly ask for information.

2. The title: he who starts well…gets noticed.

The title of the ad is essential to attract the attention of site users: make sure it is clear but also short and punchy, avoiding the use of expressions such as “I offer” or “I rent,” taking advantage of the space available to emphasize the may features of what is offered: not “single room,” but “single spacious and bright“, not “apartment for rent,” but “quiet and cheap studio apartment“.

3. The description: don’t be shy!

Accurately describe the apartment or room, both in the text of the ad and by filling in all parts of the details so that it is also visible in filter searches. Providing more information will allow the ad to appear in more searches, with the ad being included in all searches that include search filters.

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4. Photos: because image is everything.

Photos are very important because they make the listing stand out in the listing and help users choose. Good quality, bright photos will definitely give your ad more visibility. You can enter up to 5 photos in .jpg or .png format, and each file can weigh a maximum of 5 MB. Be careful to insert photos oriented in the right direction (not upside down or rotated 90 degrees), after uploading use the “crop” tool to frame the portion of the photo you want to make visible, fitting it to the space available.

5. “You have to be honest to live outside the law.”

Be honest and transparent when describing the room or apartment: correct photos and information are needed for everyone to avoid unnecessary waste of time. And if you are a real estate agency or a landlord, don’t claim to be a private user, that would not be fair to other users.

What are you waiting for? Place an ad now!

Leonardo Casini: