S.O.S. Moving: what to do

There are only a few lucky ones who live in one apartment for their entire academic career; everyone else, they have touched upon
the nightmare of moving as an off-campus student.
. Here’s what to do to best deal with it:

The boxes

In order to move, you will need a large number of boxes where you can pack clothes, books, household goods, and all the junk in your room. Get lots of boxes (check that they are healthy and sturdy) at your local supermarket or ask local shopkeepers. Protect all items with bubble wrap (the plastic sheets with bubbles) , some newspaper, old rags or clothes.


Another aspect that should not be underestimated is moving the furniture you purchased for the old house. Assess well whether they can be useful to you in the new one, if YES, the advice is to disassemble them as much as possible and pack them, if NO, try to sell them for the best price possible.


Yes, moving is hard and doing it alone is virtually impossible! The first to get involved are boyfriends and girlfriends, then close friends and old or new roommates. If you cannot find enough people, then we suggest you seek help on the platform of Movers an innovative service that solves the problem of moving easily and cheaply.

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Moving.co.uk , the platform that helps you move

Let us briefly tell you how Moving House works, because it can help you both if you want to move, and to invest some of your free time and earn some money from it.

Let’s start from the beginning, Traslochino is the brainchild of three Sapienza University students, who thanks to Luiss Enlab (Luiss University’s young entrepreneurship accelerator) have created a smart system to solve the problem of moving for students. The service is currently active in Rome, but will be expanded to major Italian cities during 2016.

Once you have registered, on Moving you can choose whether you wish to move, or to make yourself available to people who need a hand.

Do you want to move?

  • Pack the boxes (eh yes, you really need to do this, and it will be a good excuse to do some cleaning among your things!).
  • Choose the number of people you need and the date when the move will take place
  • Setdeparture address and arrival address
  • Set the arrangements for the move
  • Send request to available “Movers”

On the chosen day you will meet the movers who accepted the assignment and at the end of the work, you can reimburse them through the platform. Don’t forget to enter feedback on the performance for each of them.

If you want to make yourself available to the community as a mover, you will need to register and enter all the relevant information. Then all you have to do is wait for notification of your first assignment and confirm availability! Payment for the service is made through the Moving app at the end of the assignment.

Do you not understand how it works (or are you bored reading the article)? Then watch this video!


When and how to move

Choosing the exact moving day is very important, and you have to consider many factors. The first ones are definitely the contractual ones, usually the first (or last) weekend of the month is chosen. How are you planning to move? Car (rare off-site means of locomotion), bus, subway, cab, bike, walking? Consider the day based on the means you will use to make the move, if you plan to do it by bus, maybe Sunday is not the ideal day!

The move

The day of theundertaking is here, wait for your helpers and
start the move at a decent hour
, yes, you got it right, do NOT start moving at 12:30 or in the evening at 7:00 p.m., we can guarantee you that the work will stop in the middle, with all the hustle and bustle! Take a break ( at least every hour ) to rest and have a chat, it will help you recharge your batteries and complete the hard work of moving.

Riccardo Lorini: