Rents in Milan: average prices

Rooms for rent in Milan: here’s how much they cost

You want to study in Milan, a university and tourist city in central Italy, but you need a
room to rent

In this article you will find out how much a
room to rent in Milan
and everything you need to know about the housing market in this city.

Houses for rent in Milan: students vs. tourists

Looking for house to rent in Milan
” – every year kids like you embark on their studies in a city far from home and look for a room or an
apartment for rent in Milan
, typing the same words as you.

If you have chosen Milan for your immediate future, you should know that it is a decidedly large metropolitan city, comparable only to its “sister” Rome.

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The concept of “downtown” in Milan is increasingly blurred: expanding,

the city continually adds neighborhoods to its more central areas, all of which are excellently served by public transportation and subway.

This does not detract from the fact that Milan remains a “crowded” city, both because of its prestigious universities and its role as the beating heart of the Italian economy and fashion. Rental prices rise but what one does not have to worry too much about are the tourists, at least compared to the volume of visits to Florence or Rome.

When independently searching for a room in Milan however, it is very important to post specific ads and on sites dedicated exclusively to
rentals in Milan for university students
, such as Uniaffitti.it, so as not to risk running into bitter surprises or exorbitant prices.

Rooms for rent Milan: cost and offer

Knowing the average costs of rooms for rent in Milan is another useful step in finding the room of your dreams.

Analyzing the values of the many ads on our portal, we found that:

  • a
    single room in Milan
    costs an average of €675/month and is obviously the most popular option.
  • the ratio of available single rooms in Milan to students looking for them is fairly balanced, the market seems to meet the demand for ⅔.
  • a
    double room for rent in Milan
    costs on average 415€/month.
  • Finally, many people also look for different housing solutions, such as
    apartments for rent in Milan
    to share with one or more tenants, the market asks for an average of €1,000/month

Apartments for rent in Milan – some advice

In light of the results detected by our classifieds portal, we give you some useful tips for looking for your rental house in Milan, or room for you.

Looking for an apartment to share

If the search for a single room is not paying off, try looking for a apartment for rent in Milan and put a advertisement on Uniaffitti.it to look for other students who are in the same situation as you, so you can rent together and then decide for yourself how to distribute the cost of the house individually.

Looking for a room with your best friend

The double room is definitely synonymous with giving up some of your privacy, but if you have a friend with whom you get along very well and is looking for accommodation, a
double room in Milan
might be a less unpleasant experience than you think. Moreover, reading the data we have, it seems to be the most advantageous arrangement, and having a friend in a gray city like that can only be a good thing.

Think outside the box

Get away from the historic center if you don’t want to give up the convenience of a
single room in Milan
: there are well-serviced suburbs, sufficiently connected by public transportation and definitely less expensive that are waiting just for you. Pay no attention to physical distances: Milan is a true “city” and as such is designed to be experienced by moving easily from even the most distant areas, even from Monza.
