Rentals in Siena: average prices

Siena rents: here’s how much they cost

Want to study in Siena, a historic, university and tourist city in central Italy, but you need a room to rent?

In this article you will find out how much the
apartments for rent in Siena
and everything you need to know about the housing market in this city.

Houses for rent Siena: students vs. tourists

Looking for houses for rent Siena” – every year kids like you embark on their studies in a city far from home and look for a room or an apartment for rent in Siena, typing your own words.

Similarly, year after year the average price for a room for rent in Siena increases. Why?

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If you have chosen Siena for your immediate future, you should know that it is a small, perched city that is definitely dense with history and antiquity. This makes it one of the most visited cities by tourists from all over the world.

The particular “concentrated” size of the city of Siena and the extraordinary scope of visitors, international students and Italians who populate it make it an incredibly “crowded” city where looking for a house for rent is not too easy.

When independently searching for a room in Siena it is therefore very important to post specific ads and on sites dedicated exclusively to rentals in Siena for university students, such as Uniaffitti.it, so as not to risk running into tourist offers, or exorbitant prices.

Rooms for rent Siena: cost and offer

Knowing the average costs of rooms for rent in Siena is another useful step in finding the room of your dreams.

Analyzing the values of the many ads on our portal, we found that:

  • a single room in Siena costs an average of €326/month and is obviously the most popular option; students are willing to pay up to €380 on average.
  • the relationship between single rooms in Siena available and students looking for them is very good: the supply is three times the demand.
  • a double room for rent in Siena costs on average 308€/month and in this case the supply of double rooms in Siena is even greater than the actual demand.
  • regarding the triple rooms in Siena, it is apparent from our ads that there is neither demand nor supply.
  • Finally, many are also looking for different housing solutions, such as apartments for rent in Siena to share with one or more tenants and are willing to pay an average of up to 610€ per apartment, be it a studio, two-room or three-room apartment, while the market asks for a similar amount: 689€ on average.

Apartments for rent Siena – some advice

In light of the results collected by our classifieds portal, we give you some useful tips for looking for your rental house in Siena, or room for you.

Looking for an apartment to share

If your search for a single room isn’t paying off, try looking for apartments for rent in Siena and place an ad on Uniaffitti.it to find other students who are in the same situation as you, so you can rent one together and then decide for yourself how to distribute the cost of the house individually. In the Siena real estate market, this solution can really be optimal.

Looking for a room with your best friend

The double room is certainly synonymous with giving up some of your privacy, but if you have a friend with whom you get along very well and is looking for accommodation, a double room in Siena might be a less unpleasant experience than you think.

Then if the city is new to both of you and you don’t know anyone, remember that the Beatles sang, “…with a little help from my friends.”

Think outside the box

Get away from the historic center if you don’t want to give up the convenience of a
single room in Siena
: you will definitely need a scooter or a car but you can take advantage of it to reach areas where the cost of rooms and living are cheaper. Why not try?
