Out-of-state students: how to receive health care

For those who decide to study away from home, the educational and cultural advantages are many, but some minor problems must also be faced. One of these is health care.

Given the widespread misinformation, not many people know that health care is a right of college students, and they often face this eventuality right when they need it, in addition, the lack of official guidance (there is only one decree law regulating this issue, No. 390 of 1991) by study rights agencies makes it even more complicated.

But don’t worry, the
to give you the right tips.

How to take action to change one’s primary care physician?

To receive health care in your new city, you will need to take on so-called health domicile, which allows you to join the assisted living registry of the city where you are studying and thus choose, like residents, a primary care physician.

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The first move is to ask the ASL in your municipality of residence for (temporary) cancellation of your primary care physician. Cancellation can be requested in a time frame ranging from a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of one year, so it will be necessary to renew the request every year until the end of the study period.

Once you arrive in the city where you are studying you must go to the nearest ASL with the following documents:

  • Photocopy of identity document
  • Primary care physician’s certificate of suspension (to be obtained from the ASL in the city of residence)
  • Temporary health home enrollment form, which you can easily find online by typing: temporary health home enrollment form plus the name of the city in which you are studying
  • Health Booklet
  • European Health Insurance Card
  • Certificate of course attendance or certificate of university enrollment

In any case, if you do not want to go through the procedure of changing the primary care physician, you can use the services of the on-call doctor and emergency room by paying the co-pay.
