Getting around Bologna by public transportation

Are you planning a trip to the beautiful city of Bologna? Or perhaps you are students or young professionals moving there for a few years? In this case, you will need to familiarize yourself with the city’s public transportation system. Fortunately, getting around Bologna by public transportation is incredibly easy and convenient. Read on to find out everything you need to know about navigating this wonderful city!

Types of transportation in Bologna

Bologna has an extensive public transportation network that includes buses, streetcars, cabs, and even bicycles! By far the most popular form of transportation is the bus. Buses are frequent and reliable, making them perfect for travel and exploration. There are also two streetcar lines-Line 13 and 14-that serve more than 20 stops throughout the city center. Cabs are also widely available and can be stopped at the appropriate stations or booked online/via phone. For those looking for a more active way to get around the city, bicycles can be rented from companies such as Mobike.

Tickets and passes

The best way to pay for rides is through the Viacard system, which offers different types of tickets and passes. The most popular option is the F&C (Fidelity & Convenience) card, which allows you to purchase multiple rides at discounted prices. A day pass with unlimited access to all means of transportation within 24 hours of validation is also available. If you plan to stay in Bologna for more than one day, three-day passes and weekly passes are also available! It is important to note that some tickets must be validated upon boarding, while others do not require any validation.

You might also be interested in:“Rents in Bologna: average prices.”

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Getting around Bologna: some suggestions

When using public transportation in Bologna, it is important to remember that buses run until midnight. But they become less frequent after 9 pm. Also, try not to buy tickets for public transportation. Also, try not to buy single-ride tickets, as they can be very expensive compared to buying multi-ride cards or daily/weekly passes! Finally, it is always advisable to carry change because most drivers do not accept larger bills (over 50 euros).

All in all, getting around Bologna by public transportation couldn’t be easier! With different types of transportation options-from buses to streetcars, bicycles to taxis-there is something for everyone, regardless of budget or preference. So don’t worry if you don’t have a car: get a ticket and explore all that this incredible city has to offer!
