
Rentals in Florence: the areas in which to search

Rentals in Florence: the areas in which to search

Florence is a small city when compared to other large Italian and European cities, but that does not make the choice of where to search for a home any less important. Florentine university life, understood as faculty locations, largely revolves around three areas: the Centro, Novoli and Morgagni.


Letters and Philosophy, Languages, Humanities, Architecture or the Academy of Fine Arts are all located in the beating heart of the city, within the ideal quadrilateral traced between Piazza Libertà, Piazzale Donatello, Sant’Ambrogio and San Lorenzo. The area is among the most challenging, being-along with the riverfront-also the one most coveted by tourists, but there is no shortage of good solutions. The housing density of the city center is quite high, and by untangling old, run-down apartments and small jewels of Florentine architecture, affordable solutions can still be found.


For all students of Social Sciences (faculty of law, political science or economics) o Agriculture, the neighborhood of Novoli, located in the northwest part of the city, is practically a no-brainer: rapidly expanding, the area traced by Via di Novoli, Viale Redi, Piazza Puccini, Piazza San Iacopino or the Cascine environs is ideal for students of these faculties. The housing supply in this area is quite good, and the relatively recent development of the University in this area has brought some momentum, causing both demand and supply of rooms and apartments in Novoli to grow rapidly.


Location of Human Health Sciences courses (Faculty of Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy), is the hub on Morgagni Avenue, located in the northern part of the city, very close to the headquarters of Engineering: good housing supply in this area, mainly in the rectangle of streets separating the hospital hub from the nearby Rifredi station.

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Also to the side are the areas of Campo di Marte, home to the Faculty of Psychology and the Sesto Fiorentino detachment, where the Science Campus and the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy are located.

Want to get an idea of average prices? Read“Rentals in Florence: prices.”

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