
The price of rentals in Siena

How much does a single room for rent in Siena cost? How much an apartment? An analysis conducted on the…

Places in Siena: taverns

The tavern in Siena. Perhaps the highest form of expression of Sienese spirit and culture (and Sienese cuisine, of course).…

A few days in Siena? Guesthouse.

First days in the city. Out-of-town student travels the length and breadth of the narrow streets of the Tuscan city…

Accommodation in Siena: prices

This table shows approximate prices for various types of accommodation in Siena, inside and outside the walls. Prices were set…

Summer in Siena? In the pool!

What can one do when the heat becomes stifling and the small streets of Siena become asphyxiating? Simple: leave! Even…

Apartment in Siena: how to choose?

A long search, as is customary, often leads to visiting many different houses and apartments; ranging from the center to…

Canteens in Siena

Life as a college student away from home is not always easy; in fact, especially in the first year, arriving…

Message boards in Siena

Traditionally, the most popular means used by college students in their search for housing (in Siena, as in any other…

Sienese cuisine

Poor cuisine? Perhaps in means, but not in tastes. Sienese cuisine comes from the countryside, makes strong use of spices…